Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee

Fellowship Spotlight: Enav

Dr. Enav Zusman was heavily involved in student government. She was a Senator in the UBC Vancouver Senate and was previously Vice President Academic of the Graduate Student Society. She is interested in academic policy and advocacy and was the UBC representative in the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations. Enav has been involved with CJPAC since 2015, first as a Fellow and a speaker for the CJPAC Generation: Student Leaders Program, and served as a co-chair of the Vancouver Women in Politics Mentorship Program.

Enav became a pharmacoepidemiologist after finishing her Doctor of Pharmacy degree. She is working towards a Doctor of Philosophy – PhD, Reproductive and Developmental Sciences/Women+ and Children’s Health. Enav holds a master’s degree in Experimental Medicine and a bachelor’s degree in Medical Sciences.

CJPAC Fellow 2015-2016