Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee


There’s always work to be done to volunteer in an election. Whether it’s knocking on doors, making calls or working on a campaign, CJPAC can be your political concierge.

CJPAC has helped thousands of people get involved in elections over the years, and we can connect you with the campaign of your choice.

For more information, watch this page during elections or contact

Current Elections



Federal By-Elections

Upcoming Elections (2024)

  • Autumn 2024
    • British Columbia Provincial Election 
    • New Brunswick Provincial Election 
    • Saskatchewan Provincial Election

Future Elections


October 21, 2025

Provincial & Municipal

  • Provincial election: May 31, 2027
  • Municipal election: 2025
  • Provincial Election: October 19, 2024
  • Municipal Elections: 2026
  • Municipal Election: 2026
  • Provincial Election: October 21, 2024
  • Provincial Election: 2025
  • Provincial Election: 2027
  • Provincial Election: Summer 2025
  • Provincial Election: Summer of 2025***
  • Provincial Election: 2026
  • Municipal Elections: 2026
  • Provincial Election: Oct 4, 2027
  • Provincial Election: Autumn 2026
  • Municipal Election: 2025
  • Provincial Election: October 28, 2024
  • Provincial Election: Autumn of 2025

* Since no party holds a majority of seats in the legislature, the election may be scheduled earlier if the legislature is dissolved due to a vote of non-confidence. 

** Provincial legislation requires that a general election must occur no more than one year following a Premier’s resignation.

*** Indicates jurisdictions without political parties, operating on consensus government systems.

Federal Leadership Races

Liberal Party of Canada

  • No upcoming leadership race.

Conservative Party of Canada (CPC)

  • No upcoming leadership race

Bloc Québécois

  • No upcoming leadership race


  • No upcoming leadership race

Green Party of Canada

  • No upcoming leadership race

Provincial Leadership Races

Quebec Liberal Party

  • Election date: Spring 2025

Progressive Conservative Party of Newfoundland and Labrador

  • Election date and race details TBA